Quels que soient les biscuits, les bonbons, les produits de boulangerie ou les viandes, les boissons, la transformation des fruits de mer, tous constituent des exigences plus strictes pour les band...
Bandes transporteuses aéroportuaires et logistiquesLes courroies de l’industrie logistique sont largement utilisées dans le système de tri express et le transport de bagages dans les aéroports. Les...
Light conveyor belt market demandTherefore, from a global perspective, with the international research and development, application of new green environmentally friendly materials and the increasin...
The best and strongest joint method for light conveyor belts - tooth jointThere are many ways to connect the light conveyor belts. The ones commonly used in the industry include the conveyor belt l...
Factors that affect the life of PVC conveyor belt:A dense belt core is woven from warp and weft filaments and covered cotton;Dip into specially formulated PVC material to achieve extremely high bon...
PVC conveyor belt products can be divided into PVC conveyor belt in tobacco industry, PVC conveyor belt in logistics industry, PVC conveyor belt in packaging industry, PVC conveyor belt in printing...