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Build Convenience Of Global Conveyor Belt

Price of materials unstable 2022, Shanghai fighting against COVID-19

Issuing time:2022-04-10 11:22Author:EXQUISITE International

Price of materials unstable 2022, Shanghai fighting against COVID-19

The price of materials is unstable this year 2022, it leads our price of conveyor belts higher or lower…

We hope every friend could make the decision earlier than before, nobody knows the price would be lower or higher tomorrow, we are sorry we can not keep the price validity for a long time.

Thank for your understanding, we wish you good biz always!

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Xinhua News, https://english.news.cn/20220409/bad8ec2f89f743b79e591c2bd10832be/c.html

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CGTN News, https://news.cgtn.com/news/2022-04-09/Shanghai-registers-1-015-confirmed-cases-on-Friday-1959GqoPOve/index.html

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